Vocas FollowFocus MFC-2S Hout
- One side FollowFocus
- Wooden handwheel
- Wooden adjustable palm support
- M 0.8 gear
- snap-on 15mm bracket
- adjustable stops
- reverible rotation direction
Prijs per dag
€ 35,00
The new Vocas follow focus MFC-2S is a real beauty. A revolutionary follow focus with a modular design, incredible adjustability and a wooden palm support. The use of wood (Limited Edition) for the knob and the palm support make it unique.The palm support makes it possible to focus the lens and balance the camera at the same time, using one hand. The newly designed Vocas knob for the MFC-2S have a perfect grip, not too small, not too big.
Even mounting the MFC-2S on a fully loaded rig is an easy job. The Vocas snap-on bracket is very easy to mount and on top of that adjustable. After mounting the snap-on bracket to the rods the distance to the lens is simple to adjust.
The reversible rotation direction is easy to adjust, just like the height, the angle and the position.
In de set
- Vocas MFC-2S limited edition
- Wooden handwheel
- Wooden palm support
- snap-on 15mm bracket