Vocas FollowFocus MFC-3
- Small, compact FollowFocus
- M 0.8 gear
- DirectDrive, no play
- Comes withPalm support
- Adjustable friction strength
Prijs per dag
€ 20,00
The unique feature of the new follow focus system MFC-3 is that the focus knob and drive gear consist of only one part, there is no transmission in the new MFC-3. This is a direct drive, and because of the elimination of internal gears, there can never be any difference in the motion going in and going out, making it 100% playless,This design also results in the MFC-3 having a 1:1 'transmission' ratio making it ideal for lenses with a small focus throw such as DSLR lenses and smaller cameras with integrated lenses.
The unique shape of the drive gear teeth is what makes this all possible. These specially shaped teeth can push the gear ring of the lens up or down when rotating the focus knob the same way a camera operator is used to.
Vocas FollowFocus MFC-2S Hout
One side FollowFocus Wooden handwheel Wooden adjustable palm support M 0.8 gear snap-on 15mm bracket adjustable stops reverible rotation direction€ 35,00 per dag
In de set
- Vocas MFC-3 FollowFocus
- Palm support
- 15mm bars adapter